Saturday, May 30, 2009

Aidan is 4 weeks old!

Aidan is 4 weeks old today! It's been quite the week. He had been very fussy and was not sleeping a lot, so I took him into the pediatrician on Thursday and his doctor is pretty sure he has Acid Reflux! Poor guy! So he's on Zantac now and it seems to be helping. He is making great eye contact and loves to play. We are teaching him "high five" and it is really cute. When you put up your hand in front of him, he tries to hit it. So while he might not understand high five, he's still playing the game! We are getting more smiles from him lately and he enjoys just sitting and observing around him. The cats are taking to him pretty well, except for when he cries... then they disappear! Here are some pictures I took of him this morning when he was playing in his bouncer. He's getting pretty good at hitting his toys and making them move!

Oh no! Hiccups again!
I love his pout at the end! Poor guy with his hiccups!

1 comment:

Mrs. G.I. Joe said...

Aww! He is so cute! Lucy used to love that Bobby seat too. It saved my sanity during the colic days :)

Happy 1 Month Birthday, Aidan! That will turn to 8 months before you know it!