Wednesday, September 29, 2010

34 weeks

Today I am 34 weeks with Baby Colin. Feeling great, but definitely getting tired of this heat. It just zaps my energy every day. My class this year is great and I am really lucky to have such a fantastic group of kids. It's hard to believe that our 1st quarter is almost over and I will be going on maternity leave in about 5 weeks. Ian is continuing to stay busy at work and still loves it. Aidan is almost 17 months old and is continuing to grow like a weed! He has added some phrases and words to his vocabulary such as "Let's Go", "Get Down", and "door" among others! We still are holding off introducing any other foods besides wheat, but hope to be abe to try some again in a month or so. In the meantime, he is happy and healthy and loving life! We're slowing getting ready for the new addition to our family that will be here before we know it. I have fall break in about a week, and I know I will be really busy doing some fall cleaning, washing baby clothes, cooking, and getting out all the newborn stuff again!

Here are some recent pictures!

34 Weeks Pregnant with Colin

Aidan having fun!