Thursday, April 9, 2009

Some new pics!

I had an ultrasound yesterday and we finally got some pictures of our little man at 35 weeks 5 days!!! He was still a little camera shy, and now that he's getting bigger, it's harder to get decent pictures of him, but here they are! Some are a little distorted b/c the cord kept getting in the way, but the U/S tech said he looks great! He is measuring about 6lbs 2oz, which is about a week and a half to two weeks ahead right now. I have an appt tomorrow (Friday), so they'll go over the U/S results then, and we'll find out any new updates then.

Here's his cute little foot!
A blurry picture of his face
A 3D shot of his face
(The cord kept getting in the way, so it was a little difficult to get a good shot)
Aidan sucking on his arm!
(And again, that stinkin' cord blocking the view!)
Another 3D shot of his face!

1 comment:

Teresa said...

These are beautiful!