Sunday, April 26, 2009

38 Week Appt

Well we went to the doctor on Thursday for our weekly visit. NSTs were fine. I had a couple contractions while on it, but nothing significant. Blood pressure was fine and I am 3 cm dilated and 80% effaced. Aidan is in the -1 position. According to the Dr, I will be a good candidate for the induction since everything is already progressing so well. So next Friday, they will call and schedule the induction. I asked if she thought Aidan would come earlier than next Friday, but she said not likely unless something drastically changes. So looks like our lil man will be here after the 1st of May, but definitely before the 8th!

Also, Here's some of the latest baby bump pics! These were taken Sat, April 25th.
38 Weeks 2 Days


Teresa said...


Erica and Justin said...

You look GREAT!! I bet your ready though! I can remember thinking (at that point) that it would never end! Can't wait to hear the news....