Thursday, June 16, 2011

Telling the story. Telling my story.

So with all the blogging and social networking that has such a prevalent place in our lives today, it can be easy to share "too much". And believe it or not, I have tried to be more cognizant about how much I do share. Which is why when I wrote my post the day Ian left I debated for over an hour over whether or not I should hit the publish button. And since, I've argued with myself over whether I should leave it on there or not, constantly asking myself "Did I share too much?" Then tonight I read this quote...

"Whoever survives a test, whatever it may be, must tell the story. That is his duty." by Elie Wiesel.

And I know I'm not a holocaust survivor, and I know that what I'm going through is something countless other wives and families have already been through. But this is my test. And at the end of the day and each subsequent day until this year is over, there is a story to tell. It is my story. It is our family's story. And I hope that one day this blog still exists in some form so that I can share it with the boys and they can read all about our story during this time.

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