Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Beginning of the End

Well I officially mark today the beginning of the end! I started my weekly appointments at the doctors' office today. I had my NST test first which checks Aidan's heartrate, his movement, and my contractions. It can indicate if he is experiencing stress or if there is any other problem going on. Good news! He was doing just fine. The rest of the appointment went fine, and I go back in a week for another NST and appointment with the doctor. I'm just happy that he's doing great, and I'm only going to the Dr once a week, and not twice a week like they thought I might have to! If there are no other complications, then they will probably induce me at 39 weeks. So he might be a little early, but not too much.

1 comment:

Erica and Justin said...

I'm so glad all is going well!! Wish I was there to see you...! You look adorable. How nice that Aidan is so loved & spoiled!