Sunday, July 19, 2009

11 weeks old

Well, Aidan is 11 weeks old... almost 3 months! On one hand I am so excited for his to get older, learn new things and develop his personality more... and become "Aidan". On the other hand, I have to go back to work the day after he turns 3 months... so it will be a bittersweet milestone, since I am so not looking forward to leaving my little guy. I want to go back to work; I like my job. I always said there was no way I could be a stay at home mom, that it would be too boring... that I needed to be "doing something" I never realized how much work being at home is, and how rewarding it is to watch him grow and make our home a happy one. Anyway, as the time comes nearer, I am contemplating more over how our lives are going to change and I worry about how it is all going to work out. And then I remind myself... I AM NOT Superwoman, eventhough sometimes I feel like it! And these next few months are going to be about letting go, taking a step back, and not letting work rule my life! Because now there is something else that is more important, being a good wife, and being a good mom!

And speaking of being a good mom, Aidan and I had an excellent day today. I had bought a baby pool that I finally got blown up and filled with water. And then, I had to wait, and then wait some more, for my little man to finish taking his longest nap he has probably ever taken! I think he must have known I wanted to be awake, and he was taking his sweet little time. Ironic, huh, the one time I want him to wake up is when he keeps sleeping, when usually when I want him to sleep, is when he wakes up! Finally though, he did wake up, we had a bottle, and then got suited up! He seemed to like it ok. DEfinitely a little different from his usual baths (which he loves). After about 20 mins we called it a day since we were being swarmed by grass hoppers and I was afraid it was getting too hot, eventhough we were in the shade under the patio roof. We'll try it again tomorrow and see how he likes it for the second time!

We've also had a couple notable "firsts" over the past couple days. First of all, a few nights ago, Aidan slept all the way through the night for the very first time!! He went from 9-5:30. It was such a blissful night of uninterrupted sleep! I just hope we have a few more of those nights coming up in our future! Also for the first time, Aidan did tummy time and was able to hold his head up and look around. He managed to last on tummy time for quite a bit before finally getting fussy. Normally he only lasts a few minutes! And finally, I think our lil guy is getting ready to try and get himself moving! Tonight when we were getting changed for bedtime, he managed to plant his feet into the ground, lift his tush up, and manuver himself over a bit! I think we are getting much closer to rolling over and sitting up than I would have expected!

So enough of my proud mommy ramblings, here's what most of you come to the blog for.... pictures!

While tummy time is getting more tolerable, sucking on our fingers is still our favorite thing to do!

Getting ready for the pool! "Don't forget the sunscreen, Mom!"

Hmm... not sure if we like it yet... a lil colder than our usual baths!

Hey, this might be fun afterall!
Just chilling now that we are done in the pool!
Aidan's new pool. Water flows through the yellow tubes around the outside of the pool and squirts water into the pool. Water also squirts out of various places inside the pool. I'll get a picture of it in full force the next time we go "swimming"!


Janice Ewbank said...

Well said, Andria. Your family does come first. You are a great teacher... your students will still flourish... even with you cutting yourself a little more slack. I know it is going to be hard for you to leave him, but he'll know you are right there with him, in heart, all day long. He is such an adorable little boy. I'm looking forward to seeing him again in person.

Teresa said...

Ramble on Proud Mommy - it's wonderful to hear! I am so glad that I am not the only one worried about how things are going to work out. Granted, my little one isn't here yet but I have to go back to school after six weeks! Things will work out though, they always seem to!