Thursday, October 23, 2008

11 Weeks 6 Days

Well today I had my 12 week appt... just shy of 12 weeks! The ultrasound looked great and Ian was able to come too! We saw the baby and heard it's heartbeat. They did the 1st trimester screening, and so far, no problems! When the ultrasound tech first zoomed in on the bean, her first comment was that the baby was saluting! I got a little chuckle out of that. We were hoping that the bean would be moving around... but no... apparently we are having a LAZY baby, b/c no matter how many times the tech poked and tried to bounce the baby, it just kept on sleeping... I told Ian these were early signs the baby was going to be taking after him! :) The tech also tried to check for gender eventhough she told us it was unlikely she'd be able to tell. And here are the results.....

The bean is either a girl, or it was too early to tell if it is boy. So basically... it could still go either way! So I'm gonna say 50% chance it's a girl and 50% chance it's a boy! Ha Ha! All that being said, the tech said if she had to call it today, she'd say it was a girl... but no guarantee... So we'll just have to see. Ian asked her if she thought it was just cold "in there" and if that's why we couldn't tell. I gotta hand it to him, he comes up with some good ones every now and then! I have another ultrasound at 18-20 weeks, so we'll know for certain hopefully in 6 to 8 weeks.

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